all changed!

sincerely; miera
gee.. i thought i'll be with the other person. actually, im wrong!
who we chased, will run away. who we found, will always stay.
just have to appreciated what your special someone done nice to you.
i've forgot bout him. just because another person came straight on my life. thank god.
im so happy :) 
thankyou for making me happy. i wish we could stay forever. 
and never ever break up. im afraid to losing you. im afraid to love you.
but im not afraid to be with you. because i feel save with you.
my only;<3 muhammad asrul :) <3

will it....??

no hope

no hope for my grandpa.. al-fatihah..
he's died.. hope Allah forgive all his sins..

atokkk !! :(

aku tak dtg skola mase smalam.. sbb atok aku saket..
pttnye aku peg tngok penyu aritu.. da tak jadi.. tak pe la..
aku hrp atok aku oke.. dye kne stroke.. tah bape kali operate..
Ya Allah.. Sembuhkanlah atok aku.. kesian dia..


dulu, aku ni bdk jahat tau.. tak la jahat mane. baek ah jgak.. 
hehe.. dulu tak pkai tudung, smayang belum tentu penoh.
skang oke la sikit. pkai tudung, smayang.. alhamdulillah dpt berubah.
skarang mase sy mempengaruh mmbe2 sy jd mcm sy yg skarang ni.
hehe.. sy hrp rmai mmbe sy ikot sy jd mcm ni..
ye la kan.. kite kne cpt2 bertaubat.. tuhan boleh amek nyawe kite bile2 mase je..
hee.. mcm ustazah .. em.. oke lah.. tak tau nk tulis mnde. 
nanti sy post lagi.. byee !


aku mmg ske kalo dpt mmbe baru..
tapi.. masalahnye, mmbe aku tu org arab. gone?
aku dowp ley base arab. dorh, nok wat gone lagi.
bm dye tu oke la jgak, tapi, kdg2 tak oke. jadi, ssh lerh aku nok pahe.
english poun same je. mcm ane aku nk lyn dye kalo aku tak fhm ap dye tulis?
emm.. akhirnya, keputusan ku : tidak melayani dia.
kesian dia. maafkan saya =.="

days by days , it making me more weird than before

after i was definately single, many people called me syg.
tah knape diorang panggel aku dgn panggilan tu. pening pale dibuatnye.
panggil la, miera ke amy. name aku kn.
aku mmg ssh nk accept org da skang ni. sbb ssh, nk wat gone?
aku nak ad manusie yg boleh menang hati aku.
tatau la sape. aku tau la aku mude lg, tapi, ap slhnye?
biase lah tu , budak pon nak rase mcm mne rase org becinte, putus or pape je lah.
kan? aku kalau couple poun, bkn buat mnde tak elok. ade batasnye.
dah ah, maleh nok tulis pepanjang. oke. babye! happily reading!